executive assistant

Better the devil you know?

Better the devil you know?

01 Jun 2024 | Hannah Brewer | No Comments

Is it a case of better the devil you know? Whether it be professionally or personally, we’ve all experienced that feeling where someone has become, for lack of a better word, stale. They don’t fulfil your needs like they used to, the care factor isn’t there and quite frankly they leave you wondering if life would be better off without them.

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Interview tips

Hannah’s #1 interview tip that’ll never change…

Hannah’s #1 interview tip that’ll never change…

01 Jun 2024 | Hannah Brewer | No Comments

The interview process is a sales process – you need to sell yourself as a solution to business problems. I have some candidates who tell me about the value that they can add as a support professional, and others who tell me what they need (WFH 4 days a week, leaving early for a yoga class on a Thursday etc).

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‘I lost our biggest client’

‘I lost our biggest client’

22 Nov 2023 | Naomi Marshall | No Comments

‘I lost our biggest client’

We made over 100 placements on behalf of this magnetic brand. Everyone wanted to work there; and we loved partnering with them. And dare I say, they loved working with us.

I was proud when they sent us a photo of all the placed employees sat together alongside the caption, ‘The Sprint Crew’.

So what on earth went wrong?!

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How Staying True to our Values has Steered us Through a Pandemic

How Staying True to our Values has Steered us Through a Pandemic

15 Sep 2020 | Naomi Marshall | No Comments

At SprintHQ we firmly believe in values and the golden rule, “treat others how you would want to be treated”. This isn’t something we train, but rather something that comes naturally to those in our team. Never have I been more proud of my team, as staying true to our values is what has steered us through this pandemic.

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